European Journal of Health and Biology Education

Milan Kubiatko 1 *
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1 University of Zilina, SLOVAKIA
* Corresponding Author

European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 2012 - Volume 1 Issue 1, pp. 1-2

Published Online: 15 Jul 2012

Views: 591 | Downloads: 147

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Kubiatko, 2012)
Reference: Kubiatko, M. (2012). Editorial. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 1(1), 1-2.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Kubiatko M. Editorial. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2012;1(1):1-2.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Kubiatko M. Editorial. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2012;1(1), 1-2.
In-text citation: (Kubiatko, 2012)
Reference: Kubiatko, Milan. "Editorial". European Journal of Health and Biology Education 2012 1 no. 1 (2012): 1-2.
In-text citation: (Kubiatko, 2012)
Reference: Kubiatko, M. (2012). Editorial. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 1(1), pp. 1-2.
In-text citation: (Kubiatko, 2012)
Reference: Kubiatko, Milan "Editorial". European Journal of Health and Biology Education, vol. 1, no. 1, 2012, pp. 1-2.
Dear all, who read the historically first issue of the new journal called “European Journal of Health and Biology Education”. First of all, please let me allow to our journal. All important kinds of information are possibly to find out on the web page of the journal. The journal was established on the basis of lack opportunities to publish in field of biological and health education. The number of journals accepting kinds of article falling to this category is relatively low, so we are offering the space for the academic workers, doctoral students and also for all people, who are interesting in the biology and health education.  
On the beginning of the establishing process of journal was the effort to seek and obtain the experts in this field of study.  As an editor in chief I am very happy, that many of suggested experts, received my invitation. They decided to receive very demanding mission to start developing process of the new journal. This process will be very demanding on the time and also on the energy.  The number of investigators in such specific area as biology and health education is not so large. We have tried to offer the membership in editorial board not only the European researchers, but also from the whole academic world. We are very happy; many of the offered experts accepted their role in the developing and establishing process of the journal.  
Except of members of editorial board, the journal is under management of qualified persons. Pavol Prokop has got experiences with the membership in the number of science journals. His big contribution is the huge publication activity in the field in biology education.  Andrej Šorgo is interested in the biology education and also in the ICT problematic.  Muhammet Usak is focused on the biological and health education. Every of them have got experiences with the working in the editorial board, so there is probably safe the success of the journal.  
The future aiming of the journal is evident for every journal. First we would like to get into the awareness of the academicians. Next step will be the effort about inclusion of the journal into different databases. In the final phase, after a few years of the journals activity we would like to insert journal into worldwide known databases like Scopus and web of Science.
In the first issue of journal, we published 4 research articles. We are very pleased the authors of articles for their energy and time to write and revised the manuscripts according to comments of reviewers. Also, we are pleased to reviewers of the manuscripts for the revisions of the manuscripts. We believe, that the first find many readers and we promise the progress and developing of the journal.
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