European Journal of Health and Biology Education

Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano
Masye Wurarah 1, Mokosuli Yermia Semuel 1 *
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1 State University of Manado, INDONESIA
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 2019 - Volume 8 Issue 1, pp. 1-17

Published Online: 15 Jun 2019

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Wurarah & Semuel, 2019)
Reference: Wurarah, M., & Semuel, M. Y. (2019). Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 8(1), 1-17.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Wurarah M, Semuel MY. Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2019;8(1):1-17.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Wurarah M, Semuel MY. Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano. European Journal of Health and Biology Education. 2019;8(1), 1-17.
In-text citation: (Wurarah and Semuel, 2019)
Reference: Wurarah, Masye, and Mokosuli Yermia Semuel. "Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano". European Journal of Health and Biology Education 2019 8 no. 1 (2019): 1-17.
In-text citation: (Wurarah and Semuel, 2019)
Reference: Wurarah, M., and Semuel, M. Y. (2019). Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano. European Journal of Health and Biology Education, 8(1), pp. 1-17.
In-text citation: (Wurarah and Semuel, 2019)
Reference: Wurarah, Masye et al. "Development of Audio Visual Learning Media of Biology on the Concept of DNA, Based on the Results of Molecular Identification of Payangka Fish from Lake Tondano". European Journal of Health and Biology Education, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-17.
Payangka fish [Ophieleotrisaporos (Bleeker)] is one of the endemic species in Lake Tondano, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. Empirically, Payangka fish is widely known by the Minahasa community. Identification of fish molecule has not been reported. This research begins with the molecular identification of Payangka fish and is developed in the form of audio-visual media for learning genetic material in high school. The topic of molecular genetic studies has one of biology learning that is considered complicated in high school. The characteristics of DNA material were abstract and were a combination of biological, physical and chemical studies. Practical activities of DNA analysis using molecular identification methods in high schools are difficult because they require sophisticated tools. Nevertheless, the concept of DNA as a key material in molecular biology is becoming a standard in the international biology curriculum. This research provides a solution by developing a molecular identification practicum carried out at the Unima FMIPA Biology laboratory and packaged in audiovisual media. Another advantage is the object of molecular identification, namely Payangka fish is an endemic species of Lake Tondano. This type of research was development research proposed by Tiangarajan, the 4D model. As the name implies, there were 4 stages in this research, namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. To test the validity of this learning media, a trial is carried out. The test subjects consisted of two material experts, two instructional media experts, one subject teacher, and ten students for field trials. Data on the feasibility of this learning media product was collected by rubric and team evaluation. The collected data will then be analyzed with qualitative descriptive techniques and descriptive statistics. The results of this study were to indicate the level of eligibility or product validity is in very good criteria with a percentage of 92.87%.
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